ART WOLFE'S TRAVELS TO THE EDGE –– Companion website featuring Canon Professional Products
26 TV episodes required 26 site versions updated weekly, all the while providing subtle product promotion for Canon, adhering to strict PBS standards. Responsible for the design, photography, music, and content.
Canon selects several of my photos each year to demonstrate the quality of their large format printers and print media at trade shows & exhibitions and in their printed sample books and online promotion.
The Baobab Tree, Botswana Africa Featured photo for Large Format demonstrating Non-Glossy Photographic Paper
Monet's Bridge in Giverney, France Featured photo for Large Format demonstrating Fine Art Paper
The cover of the SUNDAY edition of the NEW YORK TIMES ARTS & LEISURE Section
This photo of The Cathedral of St. John the Divine in New York City, taken at the 2009 Solstice concert, was published in the Arts & Leisure Section of the New York Times. It is also the cover of the recently published book, A Practical Guide to Stage Lighting by Steven Louis Shelley.
Winter Solstice at Cathedral of St. John the Divine, NYC
WINTER SOLSTICE at The Cathedral Church of Saint John the Divine
With Paul Winter, The Forces of Nature Dancers and various guest artists
The Winter Solstice performance by Paul Winter is now in its 35th year of production. We have been filming it since 2008 and documenting the journey. We brought low light DSLR video cameras into the Cathedral for the first time and were able to capture the experience. We filmed this amazing theatrical event with many EOS DSLR’s and the C300 cinematography cameras, placed in various positions all around the cathedral. The Pandemic forced the archival footage out of the can and onto the screen at last. Enjoy!
XU BING PHOENIX EXHIBIT –– Opening Ceremonies at Cathedral of Saint John the Divine, NYC
Paul Winter & Phillipe Petit performing for the opening ceremonies of the New York premier of the exhibit of the Phoenix sculptures of Xu Bing. We were there to capture the excitement.
Canon On Camera Tutorials
“A DAY IN THE LIFE" Shooter’s Insights for Canon EOS products & BTS Projects
We envisioned these short, multi-topic BTS documentaries with Canon Explorers of Light to educate photographers how to get results like the pros: George Lepp, Tyler Stableford, David Stoecklein, David Leeson, Hanson Fong, Simon Bruty, Bob Davis, Vincent Laforet, Parish Kohanim, Artie Morris….
Tyler’s first experience shooting a video! An amazing professional to work with and be inspired by.
Hi performance AF with 7D
Simon Bruty at an NFL game, Patriots vs Jets!
Vincent Laforet experiments with the new EOS 1D Mark IV to create video.
All photos and footage copyright Rhonda R. Dorsett